New Year, New Bra!

What Your Favorite Wireless Bralette Company Has to Say About New Year Resolutions
New Year New Bra! Our New Year will be full of lounging, deleting the phrase “I should…” from our vocabulary and chilling the eff out - because if the Elli Bralette stands for anything, it’s this: you do you, babe.
If Google had its way, right now you’d be reading a ‘Healthy Habits for the New Year’ blog or yet another listicle about ‘Indoor Exercises to Do When It’s Too Cold Outside’. When you really dig into the annual trending topics in January, it’s pretty clear to us: Google is a girl, and sometimes, she just needs to cool it. This month she seems to be wearing her mean girl hat by giving us unsolicited advice, adding pressure to be the new and improved version of ourselves when we’re already doing so much.
So rude.
You know what we want more of this year? Guilt-free lounging. We’re setting un-resolutions – and we’re doing it all in our Elli Bralettes, pants optional.
Create Healthier Lifestyle Habits – The Elli Bralette Way

When it comes to tips to be healthy, we only have one discerning question: will it bring me joy?
Building habits that create joy helps to diminish stress, reducing the cortisol levels in your body and overall tension. Yes, eating healthy and being active are incredibly important to your health. We all know this. But we often forget that the pressure we put on ourselves to make these significant ‘transformative’ changes can be counter-productive.
This year, our joy-building, healthier lifestyle habits revolve around rest. We want to put on our Elli Bralettes and chill the eff out. No more telling ourselves what we ‘should’ be doing. In fact, we’re just going to delete the word ‘should’.
One of our New Year Un-resolutions is to replace “I should…” with “I want…”
Beat The Winter Blues – With a Blanket and Candles, Not a New Routine

Lounging in the Elli Bralette, spending some downtime watching a movie with the family, friends, by yourself - whatever – now that sounds like a recipe to beat the winter blues.
What if, instead of setting new routines in motion, we simply let ourselves be? If we’re going to focus on building habits that bring us joy, let’s do THAT - whatever that is. You don’t need someone else’s listicle to tell you how to be. If there’s any listicle we need in the new year, it’s a self-drafted one of things that put a smile on our face, as well as the things that don’t.
This Year Stick To Your Goals - by Making Sure They’re Actually Yours

We don’t care what any magazine, model or influencer says – this year, you don’t have to do anything. Instead, how about a f*ck-it list of all the things you don’t want to do? (Looking at you, foam padded bras.)
If you love creating strategies to achieve your goals, do it! You can also be the girl who wears the same coffee stained sweatshirt seven days in a row, sanity held together by dry shampoo and takeout – and still be doing GREAT. It’s all about balance, babe.
So this year, forget all the crap that comes with January 1st. Do yourself a favor, get comfy and you do you.
New Year, New Bra
Are you a un-resolution setter? Let us know in the comments below!
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